Cosmic Gong

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Quando se trata de aprofundar, descansar e nutrir, nada melhor que fazê-lo de forma integral e plena – mente, corpo, emoções e espírito.

Os retiros permitem mudar radicalmente o cenário do dia a dia e facilitar experiências de conexão com a natureza interna e externa que promovem um profundo bem-estar, clareza, paz e autoconhecimento.

When it comes to deepening, resting and nourishing, nothing beats doing it fully and fully – mind, body, emotions and spirit. Retreats make it possible to radically change the day-to-day scenario and facilitate experiences of connection with internal and external nature that promote deep well-being, clarity, peace and self-knowledge.

Through yoga practices and breathing techniques we allow the body, physical and emotional, to release traumas and intrinsic patterns. With meditation we free the mind of negative and destructive voices, improving the quality of our thoughts. With breathing techniques we create the sacred space of rebirth. With sound, rhythm and movement we integrate and root ourselves on several levels.

Cosmic Gong Retreats are designed with practices of relaxation, detoxification, purification, reprogramming and connection. These practices are the true experience of the Cosmic Gong Method, based on our pillars of knowledge: Sound Medicine, Yoga & Meditation, Shamanism and Mind-Body Medicine.

We also facilitate Sound Journeys at retreats.



I am struggling to put into words my experience as it was so profound. I feel incredibly connected to all the people in my group and Angelo as a teacher. He was supportive and humble, while being incredibly knowledgeable and powerful. These four days have been life changing for me, an experience I will never forget. Through Angelo's teachings things inside have been unlocked. I have found my voice, rebuilt my confidence and removed some blocks. It's so much more than learning how to play instruments, it's a way of life! I am forever grateful for this experience we all shared together.
Ashleigh Cornish
Sound Healing awakened an inner transformation in me that I had been looking for for a long time. It was truly impressive to feel and see the sensations, touch and change it causes in our physical and spiritual body.
Daniel Rodrigues
This "sound healing" training brought, in addition to the "sound" training, also a lot of "healing". Definitely an experience that I recommend.
André Fazendeiro

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