Harmonic Singing

Harmonic Singing consists of a vocal technique through which two or more notes can be heard that are maintained during exhalation. Simultaneously, modifying the oral cavity and nasal resonators, higher notes appear, as if we were listening to flutes superimposed on the usual voice. Originating from Mongolia, it was the song used by shamans to connect with the spirits of Nature. The beauty of this song has an evident healing effect, both for the one who sings it and for the one who listens to it. The vibration generated by the harmonics harmonizes the energetic, physical and soul structure. It activates the brain glands, stimulates the production of endorphins, which results in a deep state of physical and mental relaxation, leading to a state of serenity, joy and peace.

About training

Trainee Profile

This course is at a basic/intermediate level and does not require prior musical knowledge. It is intended for:

  • Musicians and lovers of music and sound;
  • Yoga and meditation teachers;
  • Lovers of holistic/alternative therapies;
  • Therapists (body, energetic, integrative, natural, sound…);
  • People who want to become sound therapists (expanding market).

The student will be able to integrate harmonic singing in their individual or professional practices.


In this training/classes we present basic techniques for harmonic singing (with one and two cavities), conscious listening exercises, harmonic hearing tuning and recognition of harmonic singing as a meditative and healing practice.

Module - Level 1

We present the following content:

  • Improvement techniques for Harmonic Singing;
  • Basic techniques for singing harmonics (with one and two holes);
  • Basic techniques for singing harmonics (with one and two holes);
  • Group and individual intonation;
  • Conscious listening exercises and harmonic hearing tuning;
  • Chant of Harmonics as a meditative and healing practice.

Each participant will receive a Theoretical Manual and a Certificate.



I am struggling to put into words my experience as it was so profound. I feel incredibly connected to all the people in my group and Angelo as a teacher. He was supportive and humble, while being incredibly knowledgeable and powerful. These four days have been life changing for me, an experience I will never forget. Through Angelo's teachings things inside have been unlocked. I have found my voice, rebuilt my confidence and removed some blocks. It's so much more than learning how to play instruments, it's a way of life! I am forever grateful for this experience we all shared together.
Ashleigh Cornish
Sound Healing awakened an inner transformation in me that I had been looking for for a long time. It was truly impressive to feel and see the sensations, touch and change it causes in our physical and spiritual body.
Daniel Rodrigues
This "sound healing" training brought, in addition to the "sound" training, also a lot of "healing". Definitely an experience that I recommend.
André Fazendeiro

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