Cosmic Gong

Sound Healing Training


Do what you love and help others heal


Cosmic Gong Method

Sound Healing what is it?

Sound healing is a therapeutic approach that uses sound as a healing vehicle and tool.

The sound is organized and structured to restore our balance and return the natural vibrations of our organs, through the principle of resonance.

How it works?

There are several musical instruments used in the practice of Sound Healing. Each one has its therapeutic value and produces different experiences.

The Sound Therapist can use specific rhythms and frequencies to reduce the brain frequency from the beta state (normal consciousness) to the theta state (relaxed consciousness) and even the delta state (deep sleep).

As the body and mind relax, hormonal chemicals such as dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin and serotonin are organically produced and released into the bloodstream, promoting positivity and regulating mood to create that feeling of well-being, all of which It is useful for improving and maintaining balance in health, both physical and mental, as well as energetically.

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To whom is it?

It is not necessary to have prior musical knowledge.

Sound Healing Training is aimed at all those who recognize the potential of Sound as a healing tool,
spiritual connection and personal and human development.

It could be for:

  • Therapists (body, energy, integrative, natural)
  • Teachers (Yoga, Meditation)
  • Musicians
  • Health Professionals (nurses, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists)
  • Teachers, Trainers, Coach’s
  • Personal use (for your personal growth, for your healing and self-application)

What you can do?

Sound Healing is an area that is expanding on a global scale.
It is increasingly being requested and integrated into multiple cultural and well-being contexts.

After completing this Training, as a “Sound Healer”, you will be able to carry out:

  • Gongbath’s
  • Sound Journeys
  • Meditations
  • Relaxations
  • Individual and personalized sound therapies
  • Sound Massages with Tibetan Bowls
  • Sound Healing Sessions at Retreats, Festivals, Gatherings…​
  • Sound Healing Sessions in Ceremonies, Rituals, Openings…
  • Sound Healing Sessions in Schools and Health Institutions (Clinics and Hospitals)
  • Sound Healing sessions in a Corporate context: Companies, Team Building Programs…

You will receive a certificate from the International Association of Vibrational Music Therapy & Holistic Resonance – Cosmic Gong.

Sound Healing Training


Ângelo Surinder

Ângelo Surinder has always had a deep connection with sound and rhythm. In the last 20 years he has researched a lot, worked alongside the best international Masters and has shared this wisdom with thousands of people around the world and in Portugal.

Throughout his career he has performed hundreds of Concerts, Performances, Gongbath’s, Yoga & Meditation classes, both in public and private spaces, fairs, festivals, congresses and even individually in a therapeutic context.

As a trainer, his main objective is to promote knowledge, disseminate the importance of vibrational music therapy and healthy practices for the awakening of the individual’s consciousness, physiological, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual balance.

In order to enrich his holistic understanding of the human being, he has graduated in several areas: Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Gong Yoga Master, Gong Master, Overtone Singing, Native American Flute, Clinical Hypnosis, Thetahealing, Reiki, Healing with Andean Ancestral Sounds, Ritual Trance Dance, among others.

As a trainer, Ângelo specialized in Planetary Gongs, Tibetan Bowls, Native American Flute, Harmonic Singing and the Andean Cosmovision. He has trained people all over the world – Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, England, Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Peru, Saudi Arabia, etc – contributing to the musical and therapeutic enrichment, as well as on a global scale.

Shamanism has always been part of Ângelo Surinder’s personal journey and after his first trip to Peru, where he studied with Tito la Rosa, he realized that the healing power of sounds goes much further than what’s audible.

Then he began to introduce some shamanic techniques into his work – use of sound and vibration to balance body, mind and spirit and the use of elements, directions, animals of power and parallel realities.

People from all over the world are now looking to learn from Ângelo, for his holistic, inclusive and shamanic way of working and teaching.


Sound Healing Testimonials

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